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云南省疫情动态(2022.11.25) Briefing on COVID-19 Cases in Yunnan

云南省疫情动态 (2022.11.25)




新增省内感染者436例,其中确诊病例76例、无症状感染者360例。分布为:官渡区48例(确诊病例9例、无症状感染者39例),呈贡区46例(确诊病例9例、无症状感染者37例),麒麟区41例(均为无症状感染者),西山区38例(确诊病例7例、无症状感染者31例),澄江市35例(均为无症状感染者),祥云县30例(均为无症状感染者),通海县27例(均为无症状感染者),永善县17例(确诊病例15例、无症状感染者2例),富源县13例(均为无症状感染者),盘龙区11例(确诊病例4例、无症状感染者7例),沾益区11例(均为无症状感染者),昭阳区11例(确诊病例1例、无症状感染者10例),大理市10例(确诊病例5例、无症状感染者5例),禄丰市10例(确诊病例4例、无症状感染者6例),五华区10例(确诊病例1例、无症状感染者9例),安宁市8例(确诊病例2例、无症状感染者6例),晋宁区7例(均为无症状感染者),富民县6例(确诊病例1例、无症状感染者5例),玉龙县6例(确诊病例3例、无症状感染者3例),东川区5例(确诊病例2例、无症状感染者3例),河口县5例(确诊病例3例、无症状感染者2例),华宁县5例(均为无症状感染者),陇川县4例(确诊病例3例、无症状感染者 1例),建水县3例(均为无症状感染者),景洪市3例(确诊病例1例、无症状感染者2例),弥勒市3例(均为无症状感染者),元谋县3例(均为确诊病例),巧家县2例(均为确诊病例),瑞丽市2例(均为无症状感染者),嵩明县2例(均为无症状感染者),巍山县2例(确诊病例1例、无症状感染者1例),寻甸县1例(为无症状感染者),宾川县1例(无症状感染者),个旧市1例(无症状感染者),耿马县1例(无症状感染者),鹤庆县1例(无症状感染者),芒市1例(无症状感染者),双江县1例(无症状感染者),罗平县1例(无症状感染者),盈江县1例(无症状感染者),云龙县1例(无症状感染者),会泽县1例(无症状感染者),文山市1例(无症状感染者)。


Briefing on COVID-19 Cases

in Yunnan (November 25, 2022

From 0:00 to 24:00 on November 25, 2022, the briefing on COVID-19 Cases in Yunnan is as follows:

1. 11 newly-found inbound asymptomatic cases.

2. 39 newly-found infections among people back from other provinces, including 13 confirmed and 26 asymptomatic cases.

3. 436 newly-found local infections, including 76 confirmed and 360 asymptomatic cases, among which 48 in Guandu District (9 confirmed and 39 asymptomatic cases), 46 in Chenggong District (9 confirmed and 37 asymptomatic cases), 41 asymptomatic cases in Qilin District, 38 in Xishan District (7 confirmed and 31 asymptomatic cases), 35 asymptomatic cases in Chengjiang City, 30 asymptomatic cases in Xiangyun County, 27 asymptomatic cases in Tonghai County, 17 in Yongshan County (15 confirmed and 2 asymptomatic cases), 13 asymptomatic cases in Fuyuan County, 11 in Panlong District (4 confirmed and 7 asymptomatic cases), 11 asymptomatic cases in Zhanyi District, 11 in Zhaoyang District (1 confirmed and 10 asymptomatic cases), 10 in Dali City  (5 confirmed and 5 asymptomatic cases), 10 in Lufeng City (4 confirmed and 6 asymptomatic cases), 10 in Wuhua District (1 confirmed and 9 asymptomatic cases), 8 in Anning City (2 confirmed and 6 asymptomatic cases), 7 asymptomatic cases in Jinning District, 6 in Fumin County (1 confirmed and 5 asymptomatic cases), 6 in Yulong County (3 confirmed and 3 asymptomatic cases), 5 in Dongchuan District (2 confirmed and 3 asymptomatic cases), 5 in Hekou County (3 confirmed and 2 asymptomatic cases), 5 asymptomatic cases in Huaning County, 4 in Longchuan County (3 confirmed and 1 asymptomatic cases), 3 asymptomatic cases in Jianshui County, 3 in Jinghong City (1 confirmed and 2 asymptomatic cases), 3 asymptomatic cases in Mile City, 3 confirmed in Yuanmou County, 2 confirmed cases in Qiaojia County, 2  asymptomatic cases in Ruili City and Songming County respectively, 2 in Weishan County (1 confirmed case and 1 asymptomatic case), 1 asymptomatic case in Xundian County, Binchuan County, Gejiu City, Gengma County, Heqing County, Mangshi City, Shuangjiang County, Luoping County, Yingjiang County, Yunlong County, Huize County and Wenshan City respectively.

4. 45 confirmed cases developed from previously reported asymptomatic ones (21 in Guandu District, 4 in Yuanmou County, 3 in Chenggong District, 3 in Dongchuan District, 2 in Anning City, Jianchuan County, Panglong District, Wuhua District and Daguan County respectively, 1 in Xishan District, Yongping County, Shidian County and Zhenxiong County respectively).